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In the course of this project, I was so fortunate as to benefit from the friendship, help and insights of many people. I would especially like to thank Valerie Appleby, Nikolay Archak, Erica Barbiani, Manuel Maria Carrilho, Linda Santos Costa, José Afonso Furtado, María José Gomez, Sebastien Nobert, Matthieu Ruf, Anand Swaminathan and André Trindade for their comments. Douglas J. Amy, Tom Atlee, John Dryzek and John Gastil were also so gracious as to draw on their many years of expertise and share their insights with a relative newcomer to this field. I learned much from Yoram Gat and the regular contributors to his website Equality by Lot. The invariably helpful members of the National Coalition for Dialogue and Deliberation's mailing list also pointed me in the right direction on multiple occasions. Finally, this project would not exist in its current form without the help of my agent Andrew Lownie, the assistance of David Haviland of Thistle Publishing, the illustrations of Pedro Afonso Silva and the editorial assistance of Rena Henderson.